Our land covering an area of 32,000 m2 is in the final phase of the Municipal Detailed Spatial Plan procedure.
The preparation of the preliminary design is set to begin in 4/2021.

If you are interested in the long-term lease of our commercial, service or office spaces, please complete and send us the contact form.


The property is located along Celovška cesta – the main arterial road leading from the Gorenjska region to the city of Ljubljana, in the direct vicinity of the Šentvid motorway junction and the motorway ring road around Ljubljana, all of which contribute to its excellent accessibility.

Project presentation

The Centre in a total area of 4,665 m2 begins with a food store and continues with four ground-floor commercial buildings and 576 m2 of business space on the first floor.

In the month of October 2022 we have successfully obtained a building permit. We began with the construction, first phase of the project in November, the permises are expected to be habitable in month 9/2023 followed by the opening. We continue to develop with 2. phase of the project with the aim of ensuring the integrated development of our location and long-term cooperation, we are now in the phase of communicating with interested parties and concluding lease contracts. In this way we are working towards adapting the leased premises to the needs of tenants.

The project will be implemented in two phases:

  • The first phase comprises the completion of the commercial-business centre with a food store in a total area of approx. 4,665 m2.
  • The second phase will include ground floor premises with service and commercial activities, and will be completed with hotel and food services.

Foreseen project timeline

  • 2022 –  month 10/22 successfully obtained the building permit. Began with construction in November. 
  • 2023 – month 9/23 Completion of constuction followed by the opening. 
  • 2023 – Project preparation for the 2. phase of Business and commercial center.

If you are interested in becoming a tenant in our facilities, please contact us and we will be happy to present you with our plans in more detail.